Christian Formation
Spiritual formation is the growth of our souls and bodies into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. God, the Father, shapes our lives by His Son and the Holy Spirit through the grace of the sacraments. We believe that this formation happens intellectually just as much as it does in our habits and emotions. Here at St. Joseph’s, we are committed to being formed into conduits of God’s grace from Sunday worship onwards as we go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
The Mind of Christ

Confirmation is the opportunity for those baptized at an early age to make a public affirmation of their faith, to commit to the responsibilities of their baptism, and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop. The Book of Common Prayer states: “Those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of the Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop.” (BCP p. 412)
At St. Joseph’s we have confirmation classes for teenagers and adults upon request. If you are interested in enrolling in a class, please contact Fr. Robert.

Byte Sized Bible Study
Monday-Friday at 9:30am, a group of parishioners meets on Zoom to read one chapter of Scripture and see how the word of God forms the people of God to do the will of God. All are welcome. If you would like to join us, please look for the zoom link given in the Grail.

Sunday School
Run by a small, but dedicated, group of parishioners who share the responsibility of implementing programming for the children of the parish. We generally begin each gathering with a teacher-led lesson on the lectionary readings for the day. This includes a myriad of hands-on experiences, such as reading directly from a children’s Bible, reading relevant Bible stories, acting out skits, and singing. The lesson is sometimes followed by a craft. The children are then led upstairs to join the rest of the congregation in time for Communion.
If you are interested in enrolling your children or grandchildren in our Sunday School program, please contact Jo Ann Ehrhardt.

Sunday Morning Lectionary Group
This group meets year-round on Sunday mornings at 9:45am – 10:15am in the Thomas Gibson room. No advance preparation is necessary. A little biblical history, a little personal story, a little coffee and kind-hearted jesting — you never know what will come up for discussion in this lively group, but it is mostly edifying and thought-provoking.

Women's Bible Study
At intervals throughout the year, the women of the parish gather for a Bible Study series led by Debra Maggart. Through workbooks and discussion, Debra leads the group through various books of the Bible using studies by a number of different theologians.
If you are interested in joining the women’s bible study, contact Debra Maggart.
Alpha Course
Alpha was started in London, England as a way to address people’s concerns and questions about the Christian faith. It has now grown to be an international ministry, translated into 111 languages and shown across the world. Though originally intended for those new to Christianity, the Alpha course has proved to be a refreshing way for Christians at all stages of their life to learn and talk about their faith.
Topics include: Why Did Jesus Die? Why and How Do I Pray? Why and How Should I Read the Bible? How Does God Guide us? Does God Heal Today?
For more information regarding the next time we will be hosting an Alpha course, please contact. Fr. Robert.